Synthesizer | Substack
Intended as a relief from public discourse that tends toward fragmentation, Synthesizer makes space for open conversation about things that matter. I follow my curiosities liberally and venture a lot of speculations on topics I find interesting and/or important. Flavor profile: earnest, spirited, welcoming.
Going Blue Collar | Ekstasis
“At 5 o’clock I stumble into my living room, take off my clothes with a cascade of dirt, and then bow my head under hot shower water. My body is spent. I’m not used to this kind of exhaustion, though it is probably the way most people felt at the end of most work days since the dawn of time.”
Finding Salvatore | Every Home
“Their home is going away. Three of the massive buildings have already been demolished, and the remaining four are in shambles.”
Comfort Food | And Sons Magazine
“But what if your biggest problem isn’t porn or vaping or your (frankly, alarming) queue of K-pop videos? What if your problem is that you’re a heretic? Specifically, a Gnostic.”
Desert Nomads | Every Home
“We left the dirt road and turned into open desert. Packed into two trucks, our team of three American journalists and six Namibian missionaries careened between skeletal shrubs and across dry riverbeds. We got stuck in sand. We blew two tires. We hit an ostrich. After hours of driving through African wilderness, one of the missionaries turned in his seat to inform me, “We have not gone far yet.”